The “Internet Man” is Meri Wilson’s updated version of her 70’s suggestion novelty, “Telephone Man”. With terms like “hard drive” and “RAM” it was easy to make double entendres. And Meri’s giggles just add to the fun. It was sad to see that Meri Wilson is no longer with us. She died in 2002, at […]
Could a Farmville Movie Crop-up?
It’s rumored that a FarmVille movie based on the Facebook game is in the works. I bet the angry birds will be furious if Farmville gets a movie before they do! The good news is that Hollywood cannot mess up the plot for a FarmVille movie, because, well, there is no plot. Pron has more […]
Bad Opinions Abound – Think for Yourself
You can’t believe everything you read online or everything you’re told. The Bad Opinion generator by the “THE WEEK” is a great collection of some of history’s clueless predictions. These epic fails remind us in an age of media overload you’re better off thinking for yourself. For example: “There is no doubt.” —Gen. Tommy Franks […]
Facebook is Still Free
Facebook unveiled a new look causing a big buzz in the the social networking universe. For haters, it opened the virtual door for yet another hoax about Facebook charging for their service. Facebook assures they are free and will continue to be. Wall posts and status updates were lighting up with the announcement that the […]
Dropbox into The Cloud
Dropbox is an online application to backup, share, and sync your files with other computers and mobile devices. This Web application gives you a cloud-based server but without the hassle and a fraction of the expense. Here’s how it works. Install on your PC, Mac, or Linux machine. Installation is easy and Dropbox works with […]
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