Adding a dash camera to your vehicle provides safety and legal protection. Here are some of the best dash cams.
Beautiful ATL Day
Beautiful day in Atlanta!
I’m a Marvel and I’m a DC
If imitation is the highest form of flattery then the “I’m a Mac, I’m a PC” ads must be thrilled. This fun spoof combines just a few of my favorite things: Technology (I can go either way – Mac or PC) Comics (Once again, I can go either way – Marvel or DC.) Green Lantern […]
iPhone 4 and Glee Spoof
Our favorite Glee bi#@h Jane Lynch takes on the iPhone 4. “It’s like cluster bombs going off in my pants.” Watch the video and you’ll get it.
Lying in an Online World
The Internet is killing the great American institution of lying. Why do people lie knowing it will go on the Web for the world to fact-check? Bill Maher sums it up:
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