Russia recycles MiG-15 jet engines into snow blowers. But the USA shreds our old military planes into piles of useless rubble. Our former Soviet cold war enemy is turning their swords into plowshares. Shouldn’t the USA do the same? Seen here are pictures of old Russian MiG-15 engines attached to trucks used for snow blowers. […]
The BoT (Biology of Technology) Blog
Domo Arigato Mr Roboto
In Nagoya, Japan a restaurant has opened that uses robots instead of humans as chefs. Customers watch the robot arms prepare food and even do tricks. I’m not sure if I’m impressed or scared or both. Should we be saying, “Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto” or “Welcome to the Matrix.” Resistance is futile so go ahead […]
Auto-tune the News
These auto-tune mash-ups use technology to satire the news. You can even enjoy these if you have a predisposed political persuasion because “both sides” get “hit” by the mash-up machine. Don’t be afraid to laugh! Here are the links to a few more:
Big PC Deals
Now is a great time to buy a PC. Prices are at epic low levels. I guess that is one of the side effects of a recession. Here are links to some deals that made me drool. HP Compaq dc5800 Desktop PC NV317UT – Intel Core 2 Duo E7200 2.53GHZ, 4GB DDR2, 500GB SATA 3G, […]
Brad Pitt Gets Wired
Concerned about looking like a fool in a digital age? Enter Brad Pitt with pointers on tech etiquette. The Hollywood superstar is on the cover of Wired as a Mr. Manners for technology. Who is more qualified that one of the coolest guys around to offer tech advice on hot topics including “Facebook Faux Pas, […]
Fair and Unbalanced
Fox News can legally lie to you. A Florida Appeals court ruled in favor of Fox News, owned by media baron Rupert Murdock, that there is nothing illegal about lying or distorting information by a major press organization. Their main defense was the first amendment. Talk about fair and balanced! But you won’t hear this […]
Summer Season for Web Browsers
It is the summer season for web browsers and the heat is on. There are new releases of just about all the major browsers. But don’t get overheated with the flurry of activity on the browser front. The real winner is you, the web user. The crucible of competition purifies the browsers and brings new […]
Web Side Story
Need a laugh break from all the crazy news in the world? AND Still trying to the get the whole social networking thing? THEN Checkout Web Side Story: See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.
Websites to make you LOL
CNN featured 10 website that are loads of fun to make you LOL. Some are home grown, but all show what a fun place the web can be. Enjoy…
Freedom of e-Speech
Technology and the Web have given the First Amendment freedom-of-speech an upgrade. Call it Freedom of Speech 2.0 or Freedom of e-Speech. But there are cyber-nuts out there who try to ruin it. Let’s exercise our right of free speech and label them e-idiots, and then quit listening to them so they can’t spoil it […]
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