It’s the “Top Ten Reasons to Buy the iPad 2” from David Letterman. Can you really use the iPad2 to chop vegetables? I still got iPad envy in a bad way…but not to chop vegetables!
Making a Successful Viral Video
I have broken the code on how to make an explosive viral video that will get you noticed. And I will share this secret with you – free of charge. When your video goes viral you are on your way to the top. Just ask Justin Bieber. He was just a kid with a decent […]
Hi-Tech Toilet
I’m not sure I feel about a high-tech toilet that’s smarter than me! This high-tech toilet has touchpad controls for seat temperature; a foot warmer that blasts warm air; the position, water pressure, and temperature of the extending bidet; and a drier with adjustable intensity and temperature. And it has ports for your iPod/iPhone/iPad. So […]
Killing Time on the Internet
Yes, the Internet is has increased productivity, but let’s face it, we love to kill time online. Here are some fun websites to get a chuckle and slash some time. WikiBombs While Wikipedia does a good job of cleaning up bad information, WikiBombs takes screenshots of funny entries before it gets taken down. Here’s one […]
Giving a Bad Situation a Lift
I found then answer as to why we are not exploring LFTR technology as an abundant, green energy solution. POLITICS! SHOCK! As a follow-up to my post on Making the Best of a Bad Situation, here’s a brief history on LFTR (pronounced “lifter”, stands for Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor) and why it was nicked in […]
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