Fox News can legally lie to you. A Florida Appeals court ruled in favor of Fox News, owned by media baron Rupert Murdock, that there is nothing illegal about lying or distorting information by a major press organization. Their main defense was the first amendment. Talk about fair and balanced!
But you won’t hear this in Fox news. You’ll get it from bloggers, underscoring the power of the Web as the real champion of freedom of speech. So let’s keep it that way. Don’t let big money turn the Internet into a place like Fox News where the truth is tainted by corporate and special interests. Support Net Neutrality. For more info see my post at:
Or see the following website for more info on Net Neutrality:
Here are some links on the Fox News story:×6086344
And here’s an interesting video on the topic:
Personally, I feel like I get more news on the “tube” from Comedy Central!
This shows that the American People are being victimized on a daily basis, by Big Business. Greed is “KING”, our Representatives have been BOUGHT, and our COURTS refuse to PROTECT us. FOX NEWS should be BANNED,from the airwaves.