Here’s a cool clip that shows a neat merger of technology and art: Okay, it’s a commercial for Sony. But you have to give it points for it not being an in-your-face ad leaning more on creativeness than ravenousness consumerism.
The BoT (Biology of Technology) Blog
Online Safety
We should not demonize Craigslist for the activities of those who use it, but we should be careful when using online services. A web developer has setup a website that allows Craigslist users to share and rate their experiences. This is a good example the web community monitoring itself without oppressive regulations that could put […]
CSI: Craigslist
With the all buzz about the Craigslist killer you can almost see the handwriting on the virtual wall. It is sure to reignite the debate about online personal services and websites such as But am I the only one who sees the obvious. It was because of the technology trail that the real-life CSI […]
PC Short Term Memory Loss
You updated your old PC anti-virus program, but now your PC is running slow. It may have short term memory loss. Here’s a way to get it back on the fact track. The Conflicker worm has become a celebrity, getting more press than a Lindsay Lohan midnight pleasure drive on the LA freeways. And it […]
Spring PC Cleaning
Now that we made it past the April Fools virus scare and the cyber-world did not implode, it is a good time to do some PC spring cleaning. You can do this by updating your anti-virus program and doing a full scan. You should allocate several hours to do this scan. I suggest letting it […]
We Won’t Be April Fooled Again
The April fools virus is coming on April 1, 2009. Are you ready? This virus is called Conflicker Cabal and has received a lot of press, mostly because of the mystery surrounding exactly what it will do. Will it erase your hard drive? Will it steal your identity? Could it cause male erectile dysfunction? Or […]
The Green Machine
Did you know that going green with your PC can save you some green? By powering down your PC or using power management correctly you can save up to $60 a year per machine. For the Planeteer that equals a half a ton of CO2 a year that will not be adding to global climate […]
A Dog Rescue Shows True Compassion
I know usually focus on the technology side of the Biology of Technology. However, this video was so moving I had to post it. At a time when so many use the high sounding doctrine of “personal responsibility” as an excuse to look the other way, here’s a good Samaritan story from our animal friends. […]
March Madness and Patch Tuesday
I realize that operating system patches are about as exciting as new plumbing. But if you can imagine your house without working pipes, you get a picture (and smell) of patch importance, especially if you are a Windows/Vista user. The patches coming down the pipe for March include a core update deemed critical to your […]
PC In-security
We’ve all heard the stories of PC viruses, malware, and other cyber-nasties lurking the in the shadows of the information super highway. These nefarious entities exist for one purpose – to make your virtual life miserable. The only thing more intimidating than a PC virus is trying to come up with a defense to protect […]
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