It was just a matter of time before we see headlines like “Facebook causes lower grades”. But before you hit the social networking panic button, this type of scare tactic is nothing new. Here is a list of other things that supposedly will destroy the fragile mind of the young. TV Video Games Comic Books […]
Cool Tech Art
Here’s a cool clip that shows a neat merger of technology and art: Okay, it’s a commercial for Sony. But you have to give it points for it not being an in-your-face ad leaning more on creativeness than ravenousness consumerism.
Online Safety
We should not demonize Craigslist for the activities of those who use it, but we should be careful when using online services. A web developer has setup a website that allows Craigslist users to share and rate their experiences. This is a good example the web community monitoring itself without oppressive regulations that could put […]
CSI: Craigslist
With the all buzz about the Craigslist killer you can almost see the handwriting on the virtual wall. It is sure to reignite the debate about online personal services and websites such as But am I the only one who sees the obvious. It was because of the technology trail that the real-life CSI […]
PC Short Term Memory Loss
You updated your old PC anti-virus program, but now your PC is running slow. It may have short term memory loss. Here’s a way to get it back on the fact track. The Conflicker worm has become a celebrity, getting more press than a Lindsay Lohan midnight pleasure drive on the LA freeways. And it […]
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