If you use social media such as Facebook is it okay to defriend? What about ignoring a friend request? Keep in mind that when you interact on a social networking website you are not interfacing with a machine, but with people with real feelings. So keep in mind that real people with real feeling are […]
Web Video Concierge
How do you find the latest hot web videos? Are there people who sit around all day just scouring the web for the next “leave Britney alone” YouTube star? Believe it or not, the answer is yes. There are websites that act as a concierge recommending what’s hot in viral video. The New York Times […]
Star Trek and The Biology of Technology
I have been and shall always be a Star Trek fan. There, I said it. And while Trek tech is cool, it’s more about the biology than the technology that makes Star Trek soar. The new Star Trek movie energizes my geek brain with all that cool gadgetry, but the heart of Trek is about […]
Don’t Shoot the Facebook Messenger
It was just a matter of time before we see headlines like “Facebook causes lower grades”. But before you hit the social networking panic button, this type of scare tactic is nothing new. Here is a list of other things that supposedly will destroy the fragile mind of the young. TV Video Games Comic Books […]
Cool Tech Art
Here’s a cool clip that shows a neat merger of technology and art: Okay, it’s a commercial for Sony. But you have to give it points for it not being an in-your-face ad leaning more on creativeness than ravenousness consumerism.
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