Here are some simple tips to help you manage your Outlook file size thus improving your PCs performance. How big is my Outlook? To see the size of your Outlook folders: • Select Tools | Mailbox Cleanup… from the menu. • Click View Mailbox Size…. • Click Close (two times) to close the mailbox size […]
The Colbert Report – Windows 7 Whopper
Stephen Colbert takes on Burger King, the Whopper, and the Windows 7 promotion in Japan. As he insinuates, what other BIG fast-food chain could support the MAC. Enjoy…
The Real Reason for Email
Here’s a video showing the real reason email was invented. I wish our pets could attack SPAM like this! Thanks to my Facebook friend Debbie Burgamy for posting this!
Geek Gifts
Everyone has at least one geek in their life. You know – the one you call when your PC does something weird. But what do you do to stop the guilt when you pick-up the phone to call your nerd buddy for tech support the next time you have a PC crash. Especially since you […]
A Tale of Two Rudy’s
I’ve been trying to understand the latest new blitz about Khalid Shaikh Mohammed trail. He’s the guy they’ve been calling the 9/11 mastermind. They are sending him to New York to go on trial. After being completely confused by the cable news shows on this issue, I turn to the great oracle of the Web […]
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