Support Net Neutrality for wired AND wireless. Without Net Neutrality you can kiss good-bye to the Internet as you know it. Be a free thinker and support a free Internet!
While Net Neutrality may not sound sexy, it may be the most important free speech issue of our time. Here’s a video describing why we need Net Neutrality.
The FCC is taking up the Net Neutrality debate for broadband and wired connections. This discussion needs to be extended to include wireless.
Without Net Neutrality greedy corporation will monitor your online activities and charge you more to access certain websites. For example, you will see extra fees on your ISP and wireless bill charging you every time you access Facebook.
Big corporation like AT&T, Comcast, and Verizon are spending millions trying to convince you that net neutrality is bad. They inaccurately link it with the Tea Party’s anti-big government philosophy. Nothing could be farther the truth. You mean big business is lying to us to increase their profits. What a shock!
Before you start waving your “No Big Government” banner, consider this. We have laws to protect blocks of land as national parks so everyone can enjoy them. Otherwise big business would have bought the Grand Canyon and turn it into a billion dollar real estate development exclusively for the super wealthy. Net Neutrality is a proposed set of laws to provide the similar protection for the Internet. Without it we could see Internet access controlled by big business and special interest.
This is not a right-left political issue. This is a free speech issue. So before you hop on whatever political train-of-thought you ride, think this through for yourself.
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