The movie trailer begins, “In a world with more Smartphones than people…”
But wait, this is not a trailer, this is reality. It is predicted that by the end of 2012 there will be more Smartphones that people. Sorry humans – you had a good run, but it’s time to step aside for the rise of the Smartphones.
Smartphones and tablets will continue to outpace the human race so that by 2016 there will be 10 billion, which calculates to 1.4 mobile devices per person. But the rise of these machines is not driven to by a nefarious attempt to terminate mankind. Nor is it there any plan to lure people into a matrix of alternate reality while harvesting bio-energy to feed an appetite for power.
These plots are the fodder for good movies. But it turns out, that’s what’s driving the Smartphone explosion – movies and online video!
Rumor has it that YouTube and Hollywood are joining forces to reach a generation of viewers more familiar with Smartphones than TV remotes. This union could even more accelerate the growth of handheld devices if big names migrate to the YouTube format of “found footage” and less censored content.
So instead of Smartphones becoming self-aware and taking over the world, the next big thing could be a ten minute YouTube movie called, “Rise of the Smartphones” that you will be watching on one of your many mobile devices. Resistance is futile
Shameless Plug…
BTW – If you feel you, your business, or organization is getting left behind with the high-tech mobile revolution, TechAdvocate can help. Click here to contact us.
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